What Is Obesity An How it Causes
What Is Obesity An How it Causes

The human body needs intensive care to function properly. It does mean you can eat whatever and avoid the reaction. It is impossible. Due to poor precaution and carelessness create, various disease occurs. So, for a healthy body and energetic activities, taking proper diet and workout is essential.
At the same time, there are other issues apart from working out and diets. Obesity is one of them. It is a major cause of stomach disturbance and unable for some activities. This illness is not new. It has a different name but the same treatment as in the old days. But the reasons for this now are pretty changes. Let us see what those are.

The word shows ‘stubborn’ something. Similarly, obesity means consuming a lot of energy but moving a little bit. It causes pain, gas, digestive problems and heart-burnings. In short, when you overeat and do nothing for your digestive process, the fat layer becomes on the surface of the stomach and causes the reaction. Consuming more sugar, fat and other energy sources, and forget about exercise, the energy stored in a place and toxic air circulates in the digestive system.
Is It Harmful

It is. Obesity causes serious illness. It is associated with a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, ulcer and cancer. Now it does not necessarily age matter for it, and even the child can be a victim of this problem. So do not fool yourself.
The adult season is more harmful. Because we consume a lot of junk food, poor diet and lack of sleep are routine. The reaction will occur after some time. Obesity affects the immune process, and someone cannot eat and digestive on desire. So, obesity is harmful.
What Is Obesity An How it Causes

After finding out its name, the next step is to know why. While it has many causes, the need is to take it seriously. Many people claim that they can occupy it with medicine. It is wrong. Medicine is not a solution every time. Why not take precautions instead of treatment? It is better to stop yourself before bearing its consequences.
There are a lot of reasons for becoming the target of obesity, and some of them are here,
- Growing older
- Genetic
- Not enough sleeping
- Pregnancy
While these are the common reasons that everybody knows about them, aside from all the above, there are other invisible causes of obesity, which people do not care about and even disagree on. But then it is true that those are the actual reason for the disturbance of the digestive system.
Consuming Calories

So, are you noticed it before? Not many people do not consider it a problem. But it is the leading cause of obesity. Calories are measured by consumed energy. If you took more power than required, there would be an issue. Because our body needs space to work correctly. If there is no place for food digestion, obesity will indeed occur. Usually, an active man’s calories needs,
- To maintain weight 2500 calories per day
- For physical involvement for women, 2000 per day
- While children require a maximum of 1200 -1500 per day
If you take one zinger, it takes 1500 calories just in a meal. So the evening meal is another bunch of calories; think about where it goes. At a dangerous level, That will occur in obesity. On the other hand, you are not doing any physical activity. The fat will store in the body and causes issues. Whenever you consume a lot of calories, try to do a workout or other activities to digest and burn it.
Impropriate Diet

The second but essential cause. When the body is not taking healthy food, the rough and junk food will be harsh on the stomach. Moreover, obesity does not happen overnight. It develops gradually over time due to poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle.
Now, are you thinking about how anyone can choose an unhealthy lifestyle? People do not consume food on time, and they sit for a long time after meals, alcohol and many other signs of an unhealthy lifestyle.
- Eating large amount
- Drinking
- Consuming more than the body needs
- Drinking sugar
- Eating in low self-esteem
Above all shows most of our routine. These unhealthy and poor diet habits transfer into families. Our kids follow our path and start doing the same. So this is how obesity turns into a genetic disease.
Lack of physical activity

It is another vital factor related to obesity. Less physical activity leads to weight gain. At the same time, many have daily routines in which they have to sit for long hours, like jibs. Some have habits of watching tv right after food. They intend to use the internet for many hours without remembering this cause.
The study of health care recommends that an adult must do 150 moderate, intensive and aerobic activities. Like cycling, walking, playing or any other activity every day. It is not necessary to do all things at one time. You can break into sessions with 15 minutes of cycling in the morning and three days of walking.
Medical Reason

In many cases, the medical condition is underlying to obesity. Like,
Thyroid and glands issue
In this problem, thyroid glands cannot produce enough hormones.
Cushing’s SyndromeÂ
A rare disorder that causes the overproduction of steroid hormones.
Certain Medicines
Various medicines cause obesity and weight gain, like, as corticosteroids for epilepsy and diabetes. Other than some mental illness medicine, antidepressants can contribute to obesity and increase weight. All are taken half part in this situation. So often work out and have a proper diet of healthy food but are tangled in medicine.
Psychological Factors

It is another severe cause of obesity. Depression can lead to weight gain. Many times people take food for emotional comfort. Which is bad for health. Eating in aggression, lousy mood, extreme emotions and backbiting during meals can cause obesity issues because emotions run through our body system. If we eat in a happy mood, the food will digest fast. You will notice something terrible when you dine with extreme emotions.
The bottom line is obesity is a serious issue. It cannot be ignored. If you do not take a step on time, obesity will occur as a dangerous shape of disease. Make sure you are aware of it. Do regular exercises. And avoid ignoring it.