I added incline runs to my workout for 2 weeks – here is what happened to my body

I added incline runs to my workout for 2 weeks - here is what happened to my body
I added incline runs to my workout for 2 weeks – here is what happened to my body

I added incline runs to my workout for 2 weeks – here is what happened to my body

When was the last occasion you considered tackling a tough run? If you are anything like me, you probably avoid adding steep inclines to your run, opting for flat roads and terrain to make things easier. However, curiosity led me to embrace a new challenge.

This time, I aimed to discover the benefits of incorporating incline runs into my workout routine. Incline runs are not for the faint-hearted; even a slight change in incline can significantly influence your breathing and heart rate. Not to mention the intense burn in your legs.

I decided to do regular incline runs for 2 weeks read on to find out what happened. In addition, if you want to upgrade your running equipment, check out the best running shoes and treadmills here.

I added incline runs to my workout for 2 weeks – here is what happened to my body

The benefits of incline runs :

I added incline runs to my workout for 2 weeks - here is what happened to my body
I added incline runs to my workout for 2 weeks – here is what happened to my body

So, what advantages does an incline run offer? Firstly, if you typically log most of your miles on the treadmill, introducing variations in incline is beneficial as it replicates outdoor running conditions. Personally, I often set the incline to one when training indoors so that my body is already conditioned for outdoor runs.

For the purpose of this challenge, I mixed up my interval runs; one day I did my incline runs in intervals of 30 seconds, other days I did a solid run but on a slightly lower incline.

I added incline runs to my workout for 2 weeks – here is what happened to my body

The inclusion of an incline is excellent for enhancing overall fitness, as it actively engages the heart and lungs. Research indicates that even a modest increase in incline raises a person’s heart rate. Moreover, incline runs and walks (for those not inclined to run uphill) significantly intensify the workout for the lower body compared to flat runs. There is supporting research suggesting that incline activities can contribute to the strengthening of ankle joints. This is attributed to the activation of specific muscles, including the personal muscles along the back of the lower leg, which, when strengthened, provide support to the ankle joint.

Adjusting, the incline on your treadmill is usually straightforward. Most treadmills feature an image of a slope or a stick person ascending an incline, accompanied by plus and  symbols indicating incline increase and decrease. If you are not accustomed to incline runs, it is advisable to start with a low incline and slowly slowly progress to higher levels.

I added incline runs to my workout for 2 weeks – here is what happened to my body

My ABS fired up

I added incline runs to my workout for 2 weeks – here is what happened to my body, Ascending the incline and sustaining proper form required a concerted effort to engage the muscles in my midsection. Powering my body uphill, I distinctly felt my midsection muscles activating. The real challenge, though, lay in maintaining this form throughout the entire incline run, which grew more demanding as fatigue set in over time. Consequently, as my form wavered, I experienced some discomfort in other areas (outlined below). It is noteworthy, however, that my abdominal muscles were notably engaged during the steeper inclines, with less emphasis on the lower inclines.

I was gassed

Seriously, a heightened level of fitness is essential for incline runs. Despite being a seasoned runner and personal trainer, incline running has not been a major part of my routine until recently. The experience was eye opening, and the intensity of an incline run was palpable. My heart raced during the interval session, surpassing the usual exertion of a regular run. I found myself capable of only enduring a few minutes on a moderately inclined surface before having to either step off the treadmill or decrease the incline. If I were to sum up the experience in one word, “humbled” would be fitting.

I did develop a slightly sore back

Running uphill running began exerting noticeable pressure on my lower back, catching me off guard despite my regular efforts to focus on back and posture exercises. The discomfort emerged when my running form faltered, and maintaining proper posture became challenging. The uphill terrain naturally led to a slight forward lean, engaging muscle groups that are not as frequently utilized in road running. The cumulative effect proved to be taxing on my back, creating an unforeseen challenge.

I added incline runs to my workout for 2 weeks – here is what happened to my body

Incline runs (hopefully) boosted my fitness

I added incline runs to my workout for 2 weeks - here is what happened to my body
I added incline runs to my workout for 2 weeks – here is what happened to my body

I added incline runs to my workout for 2 weeks – here is what happened to my body, It would take a lot longer than two weeks to make any real difference to my body, I did observe a noticeable ease in my runs as the fortnight unfolded. Despite making subtle adjustments in the inclines and experiencing only marginal enhancements in my fitness, I am confident in recognizing the incremental progress. By the conclusion of the two weeks, I could sense an increased ability to sustain a run at an incline. Here’s to hoping this positive trend persists!

My quads and glutes were on fire

After an intense workout session, my quads and glutes were ablaze with the satisfying burn of effort. Each step felt like a testament to the dedication poured into that session. The rhythmic soreness pulsating through my quadriceps and gluteal muscles served as a tangible reminder of the hard work invested in sculpting a stronger physique.

Despite the fiery sensation, there was a sense of accomplishment, knowing that pushing through the discomfort had propelled me closer to my fitness goals. The smoldering ache, paradoxically, became a source of motivation for future challenges.

I added incline runs to my workout for 2 weeks – here is what happened to my body

I added incline running to my routine — my verdict

Restoring my fitness routine with incline running has been a revelation, delivering impressive results. Despite initial skepticism, its transformative impact on my overall fitness is undeniable. The incline not only amps up cardiovascular intensity but also engages distinct muscle groups, particularly in my lower body. The uphill challenge pushes boundaries, enhancing both effort and endurance. Noteworthy are the visible effects on my glutes and calves, sculpting them in ways traditional running falls short. The varied? A resounding endorsement, as incline running injects renewed vitality and effectiveness into my workouts, taking the entire fitness experience to new and elevated levels.

Conclusion :

In conclusion, the addition of incline running into my fitness routine has proven to be a transformative choice. The uphill challenge not only intensified my cardiovascular workouts but also sculpted and engaged different muscle groups, particularly in my lower body. The dynamic nature of the terrain prevented monotony and invigorated my enthusiasm, leading to a resounding endorsement of incline running as an indispensable element in my quest for improved strength and endurance. It has elevated my overall fitness experience to new and gratifying heights.

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