5 exercises that are better than squats for stronger legs and glutes

5 exercises that are better than squats for stronger legs and glutes

5 exercises that are better than squats for stronger legs and glutes
5 exercises that are better than squats for stronger legs and glutes


When it comes to building leg and glute strength, squats often take center stage in most workout routines. However, there are alternative exercises that can effectively target and strengthen these muscle groups. Diversifying your workout regimen not only prevents monotony but also ensures a well-rounded development. In this article, we will explore five exercises that go beyond squats to help you achieve stronger legs and glutes.

5 exercises that are better than squats for stronger legs and glutes

1. Deadlifts: Unleashing Full-Body Power

While deadlifts are renowned for targeting the posterior chain, they are often overlooked as a leg and glute strengthener. This compound movement engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. Performing deadlifts with proper form not only enhances leg strength but also promotes overall functional fitness.

Execution: Stand with feet hip-width apart, hinge at the hips, keeping a straight back, and lower the barbell towards the ground. Engage your glutes and hamstrings to lift the barbell back up.

5 exercises that are better than squats for stronger legs and glutes
5 exercises that are better than squats for stronger legs and glutes

2. Lunges: Precision in Leg Sculpting

Lunges are a versatile exercise that can be modified to target different areas of the legs and glutes. Forward lunges emphasize the quadriceps, while reverse lunges engage the hamstrings and glutes more intensely. Adding walking lunges to your routine also challenges your balance, enhancing the stabilizing muscles in your legs.

Execution: Step forward or backward with one leg, lowering your body until both knees form 90-degree angles. Push through the heel to return to the starting position.

3. Step-Ups: Elevate Your Leg Day

Step-ups might seem like a simple exercise, but they effectively target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. This unilateral movement helps correct muscle imbalances between the legs, ensuring both sides contribute equally to your overall strength. Adding height to your step-up increases the challenge, intensifying the activation of your leg and glute muscles.

Execution: Place one foot on an elevated surface, push through the heel, and lift your body up. Lower back down with control.

4. Romanian Deadlifts: Sculpting Hamstrings and Glutes

Romanian deadlifts specifically target the hamstrings and glutes, offering a unique angle of engagement compared to traditional deadlifts. By keeping the legs straighter during the movement, you place more emphasis on the posterior chain, fostering hamstring and glute development. Ensure a controlled descent and engage your core for optimal results.

Execution: Hold a barbell with an overhand grip, hinge at the hips, keeping your back straight, and lower the barbell towards the ground. Feel the stretch in your hamstrings before returning to the upright position.

5 exercises that are better than squats for stronger legs and glutes

5. Hip Thrusts: Igniting Glute Activation

For a focused glute workout, hip thrusts reign supreme. This exercise isolates and activates the glute muscles, contributing significantly to a sculpted and powerful posterior. Whether performed with body weight, a barbell, or resistance bands, hip thrusts effectively target the glutes while minimizing strain on the lower back.

Execution: Sit on the ground with your back against a bench, place a barbell or resistance band across your hips, and thrust your hips towards the ceiling. Squeeze your glutes at the top before lowering back down.


While squats undeniably play a crucial role in building leg and glute strength, incorporating a variety of exercises can enhance your overall muscular development. Deadlifts, lunges, step-ups, Romanian deadlifts, and hip thrusts offer unique benefits that go beyond what squats alone can provide. Remember to prioritize proper form, gradually increase resistance, and allow for satisfactory recovery to maximize the effectiveness of these exercises in your quest for stronger legs and glutes.

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